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Miscellaneous Insurance refers to contracts of insurance other than those of Fire, Marine, Engineering, Motor, and Money insurance. It covers a variety of risks, the chief of which are: Personal Accident insurance.

Miscellaneous Insurance refers to contracts of insurance other than those of Fire, Marine, Engineering, Motor and Money insurance. It covers a variety of risks, the chief of which are: Personal Accident insurance.

Who Can Take The Policy?

  • The person within the age group of 5 to 70 years
  • Persons above 70 years up to 75 years with a loading of 10% on premium.
  • Above 75 years up to 80 years with a loading of 20% on premium

Additional Features:

  • Group Policies- May be issued covering more than one person. No discounts to be offered for Group Consisting of less than 101 members.
  • Family Discount- If the insured opts to cover his/her husband/wife/dependent children/dependent parents under the policy, a 5% discount is allowed on the total premium.


Please contact us as soon as possible to request a quote and get your insurance instantly.